In need of Protecting Animal Diversity in an Ever Changing Environment
Animal Diversity: Protecting animal diversity is critical, especially as our environment faces constant change. It’s a complex issue, but here’s …
Animal Diversity: Protecting animal diversity is critical, especially as our environment faces constant change. It’s a complex issue, but here’s …
Phylum Protozoa: The Phylum Protozoa comprising a diverse group of unicellular organisms. Let’s explore their characteristics and classification. Defination: The …
Phylum Cnidaria: Cnidaria derives from the Greek word “cnidos,” which means “stinging thread.” Defination: The cnidaria may be defined as “diploblastic …
Phylum Arthropoda: Arthropods are the largest phylum in the animal kingdom, making up over two-thirds of all known animal species. …
Phylum Mollusca: It is the second largest phylum in animal kingdom and consists of over 150,000 marine, freshwater and terrestrial …
Annelida: The phylum annelida was first coined by LAMARCK (1801) (Gr., annulus – little ring + eidos – form) for …
Aschelminthes: It also referred to as Nemathelminthes, it is an invertebrates phylum which includes roundworms. Defination: They are bilaterally symmetrical, …