Phylum Porifera characteristic, classification and examples
Phylum Porifera: Phylum Porifera, commonly known as sponges, are simple multicellular organisms that are the lowest multicellular animals belonging to …
Phylum Porifera: Phylum Porifera, commonly known as sponges, are simple multicellular organisms that are the lowest multicellular animals belonging to …
Polymorphism in Coelenterates (Cnidarians): Coelenterates, also known as cnidarians, are a diverse group of animals that include jellyfish, corals, and …
Water Vascular System of Starfish (Asterias: A Sea Star): The water vascular system is a unique and essential feature of …
Phylum Echinodermata: The General Characters and Classification upto Classes level of Echinoderms are enterocoeouls coelomates, radial symmetry, calccareous endoskeleton and unique …
Metamerism in Insects: Metamerism in insects is the division of the body into a series of similar repeating segments called metameres. …
Metamorphosis in Insects: It is a remarkable process of transformation that insects undergo as they progress through different life stages. …
Animal Diversity : Animal diversity refers to the incredible variety of species and forms found within the animal kingdom. Animals …