Fish Breeding Monthly Activity

Fish Breeding Monthly Activity: Fish breeding is a complex process that involves careful planning and management to ensure successful reproduction and the production of healthy fry (young fish). The activities required for fish breeding can vary based on the species being bred, the breeding method used, and the environmental conditions. Here’s a general outline of monthly activities involved in fish breeding:

Fish Breeding Monthly Activity:


  • Segregation of Male and Female Carp fishes Brooders.
  • Repairs of Ponds, dykes and preparation of nurseries for Carp Seed.
  • Maintenance and feeding of I.M.C* breeders.
  • Daily recording or check of physical and chemical parameters of pond water.
  • Daily recording or maintain of the behavioral changes of brood fishes.
  • Procurement of material for Common Carp breeding. ‘Fish Breeding Monthly Activity ‘


  • Segregation of I.M.C brood stock.
  • Procurement of I.M.C brooders if required.
  • Breeding of Common Carp.
  • Preparation of Nursery such as liming & manuring.
  • Rearing of Common Carp Spawn
  • Intensive care & feeding of I.M.C. brood stock.
  • Daily recording of physical and chemical parameters of pond water.
  • Daily recording or maintain of the behavioral changes of brood fishes.
  • Procurement of material for Common Carp breeding.


  • Breeding of Common Carp.
  • Rearing of Common Carp Spawn
  • Supply of Common Carp fry.
  • Intensive care & feeding of I.M.C brood stock.
  • Daily recording of physical and chemical parameters of pond water.
  • Daily recording or maintain of the behavioral changes of brood fishes. ‘Fish Breeding Monthly Activity’


  • Supply of Common Carp fry.
  • Sun drying of Ponds.
  • Disposal of surplus or destroyed Carp brood fish.
  • Daily recording of physical and chemical parameters of pond water.
  • Daily recording or maintain of the behavioral changes of brood fishes.
  • Dummy operation of Hatchery System.


  • De-silting of Ponds and ploughing.
  • Repairs of Ponds.
  • Sun Drying of pond.
  • Maintenance of I.M.C brood fish and Common Carp Seed.
  • Special care of Water depth of ponds.
  • Segregation of Male and female of Exotic Carp like Grass Carps and Silver Carp .
  • Procurement of equipment and accessories for breeding.
  • Daily recording of physical and chemical parameters of pond water.
  • Daily recording or maintain of the behavioral changes of brood fishes.


  • Preparation of Nursery Ponds for rearing of I.M.C and Exotic Carp Spawn.
  • Breeding of exotic carps (Grass Carp & Silver Carp).
  • Segregation of Male and Female of I.M.C brood fish.
  • Daily recording of physical and chemical parameters of pond water.
  • Daily recording or maintain of the behavioral changes of brood fishes.
  •  Data recording of fish breeding.


  • Breeding of exotic carps and I.M.C.
  • Supply of Spawn and seed of I.M.C and exotic carps.
  • Rearing of Spawn of I.M.C and exotic carps.
  • Special feeding to spent brood fish
  • Data recording of Fish breeding
  • Aquatic insects and weed control
  • Management of water quality
  • Daily recording of physical and chemical parameters of pond water.
  • Daily recording or maintain of the behavioral changes of brood fishes.  ‘Fish Breeding Monthly Activity’


  • Breeding of I.M.C fishes.
  • Supply of Spawn/ Seed of IMC & exotic carp.
  • Rearing of Spawn of I.M.C
  • Data recording of breeding
  • Daily recording of physical and chemical parameters of pond water.
  • Daily recording or maintain of the behavioral changes of brood fishes.


  • Supply of I.M.C Seed.
  • Rearing of Seed of different varieties at farm for making brood fish for future use.
  • Replacement and procurement of brood stock to maintain required live stock at the farm.
  • Disinfection of Hatchery System.
  • Daily recording of physical and chemical parameters of pond water.
  • Daily recording or maintain of the behavioral changes of brood fishes.


  • Supply of fingerlings of IMC & exotic carps
  • Daily recording of physical and chemical parameters of pond water.
  • Daily recording or maintain of the behavioral changes of brood fishes.
  • Repair of equipment & nets.
  • Maintenance of Live stock.


  • Supply of fingerlings of IMC & exotic carps.
  • Segregation of good brood stock and disposal of surplus and old live stock.
  • Procurement of Common Carp brood stock if required.
  • Daily recording of physical and chemical parameters of pond water.
  • Daily recording or maintain of the behavioral changes of brood fishes.


  • Supply of fingerlings.
  • Maintenance of brood stock.
  • Daily recording of physical and chemical parameters of pond water.
  • Daily recording or maintain of the behavioral changes of brood fishes.  “Fish-Breeding-Monthly-Activity”

It’s important to note that these activities can vary significantly depending on the species being bred, the breeding method used (such as natural spawning, artificial insemination, or controlled environments), and local environmental conditions. Regular monitoring, data collection, and adaptation to changing conditions are key to successful fish breeding operations.

*IMC- Indian Major Carps

Capturing of IMC for Breeding