Larvivorous Fishes of India Identification Characteristic and Importance: Larvivorous fishes are a group of fish species that primarily feed on the larvae or immature stages of other aquatic organisms, particularly mosquito larvae. They play a crucial role in controlling mosquito populations and are often employed as a biological control method for managing mosquito-borne diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus. The larvae of mosquitoes and other insects typically inhabit standing water bodies such as ponds, lakes, marshes, and stagnant pools. Larvivorous fishes have adapted to feed on these larvae as a primary food source. They possess specialized feeding structures, such as upturned mouths or elongated jaws, which enable them to effectively capture and consume mosquito larvae.
Larvivorous fishes are preferred for mosquito control due to their effectiveness and ecological advantages over chemical pesticides. They provide a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to reducing mosquito populations, as they target the larvae before they can develop into adult mosquitoes and breed. By preying on mosquito larvae, larvivorous fishes help break the mosquito life cycle and limit their ability to transmit diseases to humans.
In mosquito control programs, larvivorous fishes are often introduced into bodies of water where mosquito larvae are present. They are compatible with various aquatic environments, including both natural and artificial water bodies. However, it’s important to carefully consider the ecological impact and potential interactions with native species before introducing non-native larvivorous fishes to new habitats.
Overall, larvivorous fishes are valuable allies in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases, providing an effective and sustainable method for reducing mosquito populations and minimizing the risk of disease transmission to humans.
Some common examples of larvivorous fishes include certain exotic species of Gambusia (commonly known as mosquitofish), including Gambusia affinis, Gambusia holbrooki and Poecila spp. These small, freshwater fish are native to North America but have been introduced to many other regions around the world for mosquito control purposes. Similarly some of the indigenous larvicidal fishes which includes Puntius spp., Badis badis, Chanda nama, Parambasisus ranga, Rasbora daniconius etc.
Larvivorous Fishes of India-Identification Characteristic and Importance
Series – Pisces
Order – Cyprinodontiformes
Suborder – Cyprinodontoidei
Family – Poecilidae
Genus – Gambusia Poey 1854
Species – affinis
1. Gambusia affinis (Baird and Girard) 1853
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Gambusia affinis |
D.6-9; A.8-10; V.6; L.I. 32; 8.
Popular name : Mosquito fish
Local names : Gambusia
Environment : benthopelagic, potamodromous,freshwater, brackish, pH range 6-8; dH range 15-19.
Climate : Subtropical 12-29oC; 42oN-26oN
Dangerous : Potential pest
Characters :
- Length of head ranges from 3.6 to 4 and the height of body from 3.5 to 4 in the total length.
- Body is somewhat elongated.
- Eye diameter is 3 in the total length of head.
- In males, the dorsal fin is situated in the middle of the body while in females it is situated midway between the front margin of eye and the tip of the caudal fin.
- Anal fin is with 8-10 fin rays.
- Lateral line scales are 32.
- Faint dark lines are present in the upper half of the caudal fin.
- Sides of the body are irregularly dotted black.
- Two or three cross bands of dots are present on the dorsal and caudal fins.
Remarks : It grows upto 4.0cm in length. It is a small size of fish and is a very good Larvivorus.
Importance: Fisheries: minor commercial; aquarium: commercial.
2. Poecilia reticulata (Peters) 1859
Phylum – Chordata
Series – Pisces
Order – Cyprinodontiformes
Suborder – Cyprinodontoidei
Family – Poecilidae
Subfamily – Poeciliinae
Genus – Poecilia
Species – reticulata
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Poecilia reticulata |
D.7-9; A.8-10; V.6; L.I. 34; 8.
Popular name : Mosquito fish
Local names : Guppy
Environment : benthopelagic, potamodromous,freshwater, brackish
Climate : Subtropical
Dangerous : Potential pest
Characters :
- Length of head ranges from 3.7 to 4 and the height of body from 3.6 to 4.2 in the total length.
- Body is somewhat elongated.
- This fish is very similar to Gumbusia.
- In males the length of anal fin rays in more or less equal to length of gonopodium.
- Generally black spots and other brilliant colouration present sides of the body are irregularly dotted black.
- Two or three black dots on the caudal and dorsal fin.
Remarks : It grows upto 4.0cm in length. It is a small size of fish and is a very good Larvivorus. It is used as live food for carnovorous aquarium fish.
Importance : Fisheries: minor commercial; aquarium: commercial.
3. Poecilia formosa (Girard) 1859
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Poecilia formosa |
D.10-12; A.12-15; V.6; L.I. 39; 9.
Popular name : Mosquito fish
Local names : Guppy
Environment : benthopelagic, nonmigratory, freshwater, brackish
Climate : Subtropical 27oN-25oN
Dangerous : Harmless
Characters :
- Body is somewhat elongated.
- First three anal rays are unbranched.
- They inhibit fresh and brackish waters and bear the young alive.
- Body on the brown spots on side (may have row of dusky black spots
Remarks : It is a very good Larvivorus fish.
Importance : Fisheries: no interest; aquarium: commercial.
4. Chanda nama (Hamilton) 1822
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Chanda nama |
B.6; D.1+7|14-18(1/13-17); P.12-13; V.6; A.17-21(3/14-18); C.17.
Popular name : Indian glass fish
Local names : Kachki
Environment : benthopelagic, freshwater, brackish
Climate : Tropical 38oN-6oN
Dangerous : Harmless
Characters :
- Length of head ranges from 4 to 4.5 and the height of body from 2.7 to 3.5 in the total length.
- Body is generally compressed and both the profile of the body is equally convex.
- Lower jaw is much longer than the upper jaw.
- Preorbital is slightly is denticulated.
- Dorsal fins are low, both are united at their bases, first dorsal is with 7 spines; a recumbent spine is also present before it. Second dorsal spine is the longest.
- Anal fin is with spines; scales are minute.
- Lateral line may be broken absent or even indistinct.
- Body is whitish yellow with black dots all over the body.
- The dots on the shoulder form an oblong vertical path.
- Summit of the head and the top of eyes are black.
Remarks : it grows upto abut 11.0cm in length. It is a favorite aquarium fish and it is called as glassfish or x- ray fish.
Importance : Fisheries: minor commercial; aquarium: show aquarium.
5. Parambassis ranga (Ham) 1822
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Parambassius ranga |
B.6; D.1+7|14-15(1/13-15); P.12-13; V.6 (1/5); A.17-19 (3/14-16); C.17.
Popular name : Indian glass fish
Local names : Chamberdi, Kachki
Environment : demersal, freshwater, brackish
Climate : Tropical 20-30oC; 38oN-1oS
Dangerous : Harmless
Characters :
- Length of head ranges from 3.2 to 4 and the height of body from 2.3 to 2.7 in the total length.
- Both the profiles of the body are very convex but the profile over the eyes is slightly concave.
- The double horizontal margin of the preopercle is serrated but the inter and subopercles are entire.
- Dorsal fins are two in number, the first with 7 spines.
- Anal fin is with 3 spines.
- Caudal fin is forked.
- Teeth are villiform and present on jaws, vomer, and palate and sometimes on the tongue.
- Body is white with black spots closely set dots form a dark mark on the shoulder of each side.
- Margins of vertical fins are dark or gray.
Remarks : It grows upto 10cm in length. It is also good favorite aquarium fish.
Importance : Fisheries: subsistence fisheries; aquarium: commercial.
6. Badis badis (Ham) 1822
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Badis badis |
B.6; D.16-18|7-10; P.12; V.6 (1/5); A.9-11 (3/6-8); C.16; L.I. 26-32; 2½|8½.
Popular name : Badis
Local names : koi bandi
Environment : benthopelagic, freshwater, pH range 6.8; dH range 5-19.
Climate : Tropical 23-26oC
Dangerous : Harmless
Characters :
- Length of head ranges from 4.5 to 3.6 and the height of body from 4 in the total length.
- Body is oblong and compressed. Head is usually large; mouth is protractile.
- Oprcle has one sharp spine.
- Villiform teeth are present in the jaws, vomer, palatines and epiphyal.
- Dorsal fin is single; the soft portion of the fin is rather elevated and pointed.
- Anal spines are short, ctenoid scales are present.
- Lateral line is interrupted.
- Body is dark black when the fish is fresh.
- A black spot is present behind the oprecle and above the pectoral fin.
- Another prominent black spot behind the eye and longer black spot is located at the base of caudal fin.
- Body is spotted with irregular black spots.
Remarks : It grows upto a length of about 9cm.
Importance : Fisheries: of no interest; aquarium: commercial
7. Puntius ticto (Ham) 1822.
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Puntius ticto |
B.3; D. 11 (3/8); P.13 -15; V.9; A.7-8 (2-3/5); C.19; L.I. 23-26; 5-6|6-6 ½
Popular names : Fire- fin Barb.
Local names : Kaoli.
Environment : Benthopelagic, freshwater, brackish ,pH range 6.5 – 7, dH range 10.0
Climate : Tropical
Dangerous : Harmless.
Characters :
- Length of head is 5 and the height of body ranges 3 to 3.2 in the total length.
- Body is strongly compressed and elevated
- Upper jaw is slightly longer than the lower jaw
- Barbels are absent, teeth are pharyngeal, crooked and pointed.
- Mouth is terminal and small.
- Dorsal fin inserted slightly posterior to pelvic fin origin.
- Caudal fin is forked.
- Lateral line is complete with scales 23 to 25
- Colour in ornamental pattern showing iridescence and red edging of dorsal fin.
- A black blotch is located on the side of the tail before the base of the caudal fin.
Remarks : It grows upto 10.0 cm in length. It is consumed as food by poors. It is also
larvicidal fish.
Importance : fisheries of no interest; aquarium: commercial.
8. Puntius amphbius (Valenciennes) 1842
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Puntius amphbius |
B.3; D.10-11; (2-3/8); P.15; V.9; A.7 (2/5); C.19; L.I. 23-24; 5/4. Barbels 2.
Popular names : Scarlet – banded barb.
Local names : Khavali
Environment : Benthopelagic, freshwater,brackish.
Climate : Tropical.
Dangerous : Harmless.
Characters :
- Length of head ranges from 4.7 to 5 and the height of body from 4.2 to 5 in the total length.
- Mouth is narrow with snout rounded and the upper jaw longer than the lower one.
- Jaws are closely covered over by lips, rarely with leathery lobes.
- Barbels are two maxillary thin and reaching to below the center of the eye.
- The dorsal fin arises slightly in advance of the Ventrals and rather nearer.
- Caudal fin is deeply forked.
- Lateral line is complete and there are 2 rows of scales.
- Body of the colour is steel blue, becoming white with golden tings at the side and below. Fins are yellowish, upper edge of dorsal tinged black.
Remarks: it grows upto a maximum length 20 cm. The fish is locally consumed potentioalities as larvividal fish.
Importance : fisheries : subsistence fisheries.
9. Puntius chola (Ham) 1822
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Puntius chola |
B.3; D.11 (3/8); P.14-15; V.9; A.7-8 (2-3/5); C.19; L.I. 26 -28; 5 ½ – 6 ½ |5-5 ½. Barbels.
Popular names : Green Barb.
Local names : Katcha , Karawa.
Environment : Benthopelagic,potamodromous, freshwater, brackish, pH- range 6 – 6.5 dH range 8 – 15.
Climate : Tropical 20 – 25 0 C.
Dangerous : Harmless.
Characters :
- Length of head ranges from 4.5 to 4.7 and the height of body from 3.2 to 3.7 in the total length.
- Mouth is arched anterior or inferior.
- Dorsal profile is more convex than that of the abdomen jaws are equal anteriorly.
- Only one pair of maxillary barbels is present which are shorter than the orbit.
- Dorsal fin originates opposite the ventral fin and is situated mid way between the ends of the snout.
- Lateral line is complete.
- Body is silvery operate shot with gold and purple.
- Along the lateral line and located on 23rd and 24th scales is present a black blotch.
- Another blotch is located on the base of the dorsal fin.
- Occasionally there is a dark mark behind the gill opening.
Remarks : it is a small but useful species, which grows upto 13 cm in length. It is rather bitter in taste but eaten locally.
Importance : Fisheries :commercial. Aquaculture: commercial.
10. Puntius Conchonius (Ham) 1822
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Puntius conchonius |
B.3; D.11 (3/8); P. 11-15; V.9; A.7-8 (2-3/5); C.19; L.I. 24-27; 5 ½ -6-6 ½.
Popular names : Khavli, Rosi barb
Local names : Darahi
Environment : Benthopelagic, freshwater, pH range 6 – 8, dH range 5-19.
Climate : Subtropical 18 – 22 0 C; 400N – 80 N
Dangerous : Harmless.
Characters :
- Length of head is 5 and the height of
- body ranges from 2.6 to 2.7 in the total length.
- Body is evaluated and a slight concavity is there on the nape followed by a considerable rise to the base of the dorsal fin.
- Barbels are absent.
- The dorsal fin has its last undivided ray osseous, spinous and serrated.
- The dorsal fin commences mid way between the anterior extremity or the orbit and the base of the caudal fin.
- Caudal fin is deeply forked.
- Lateral lines are complete, ceasing after 10 to 12 scales from its commencement.
- Body is silvery dark along the back. All the scales are with black base.
- A black blotch is situated on lateral line in area between 18 th to 20 th scale. Fins are transparent.
Remark : it is attains up to 13 cm. In the length and is consumed locally by the poor classes of the people.
Importance : Fisheries no interest, aquarium – commercial.
11. Puntius filamentosus (Valenciennes) 1844
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Puntius filamentosus |
B.3; D.11 (3/8); P.15; V.9; A.7 (2/7); C.19; L.I. 21; – 4 ½.
Popular names : Filamented Barb.
Local names : Barb black spot
Environment : Benthopelagic, freshwater, brackish ,pH range 6 – 6.5, dH range 15
Climate : Tropical 20 – 24 0 C.
Dangerous : Harmless.
Characters :
- Length of head is 5 and the height of body ranges 3 to 3.5 in the total length.
- Body is strongly compressed and elevated
- Snout is large pores are present.
- Barbels are absent.
- Dorsal fin commences rather nearer the snout than the base of the caudal fin.
- Lateral line is complete and there are two rows of scales are situated before the dorsal fin.
- Colour of the body is silvery.
- A black mark is present near the posterior and of the lateral line before the base of the caudal fin.
- All the fins are black.
Remark : It grows up to about 15 cm in length.
Importance: fisheries: minor commercial aquarium: commercial bait: occasionally.
12. Puntius jerdoni (Day) 1870
B.3; D.12 (3/9); P.15; V.9; A. 8(3/5); C.19; L.I. 27-28; 6/4. Barbels 4
Popular names : Jerdon’s carp
Local names : Potil
Environment : Benthopelagic, freshwater, potamodromous.
Climate : Tropical .
Dangerous : Harmless.
Characters :
- Length of head range from 5 to 5.2 and the height of body are 4 in the total length.
- The head is nearly as high as it is long.
- Body is laterally compressed.
- Mouth is narrow and the upper Jaw is longer than the lower jaw
- Barbels are four, two are maxillary whish are as long as the orbit while the rostral ones are rather shorter.
- The dorsal fin arises midway between the snout and the base of the caudal fin.
- Pectoral fin is as long as the head.
- Anal reaches rather beyond the root of the caudal fin.
- Caudal fin is deeply forked.
- Colour of the body is silvery fins are tinted orange and ipped with black.
Remarks : This fish grows upto 46 cm in length. Suggesting economic possibilities.
Importance: Fisheries: Commercial.
13. Puntius sarana-sarana (Ham) 1822
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Puntius sarana-sarana |
B.3; D.11-12 (3/8-9); P.15-16; V.8-9; A.8 (3/5); C.19; L.I.32-34 5½- 6½|6; Barbels 4.
Popular name : Olive Barb.
Local names : Giddi-Kaoli, Durhie , Potah
Environment : Benthopelagic ,freshwater ,potamodromous , brackish
Climatc : Tropical.
Dangeros : Harmless.
Characters :
- Length of head ranges from 5 to 5.2 and the height of body from 3.5 to 3.7 in the total length.
- Dorsal profile of the body is slightly elevated.
- Interorbital space is convex.
- Two pairs or barbels are present, rostral pair as long as the orbit, maxillary pair is slightly longer.
- Dorsal fin inserted nearer snout than caudal fin base.
- Caudal fin is deeply forked.
- Lateral line complete with 30 to 33 Scales.
- Colour of the body is silvery, darkest dorsally, opercles golden, fins dusky brown to orange, mostly some dark spots behind the opercle.
Remarks : It grows up to 31 cm in length and is much valued as food.
Importance : Fisheries: Minor commercial , game fish: yes, aquarium: commercial.
14. Rasbora daniconius (Ham) 1822
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Rasbora daniconius |
B.3; D.9 (2/7); P. 15; V.9; A.7 (2/5); C.19; L.I. 31-34; 4½ – 5½| 4½ – 5.
Popular name : Common Rasbora.
Local names : Dandai, Dondai gana
Environment : Benthopelagic, freshwater, Potamodromous, brackish pH range 7, dH range 12.
Climate : Tropical 24-280C.
Dangerous : Harmless.
Characters :
- Length of head ranges from 4.5 to 5 and the height of body from 4.5 to 5.2 in the total length.
- Body is cylindrical and slightly compressed with rounded abdomen.
- Lower jaw is with a central and two lateral prominences.
- Barbels are absent.
- Dorsal fin arises nearer to the origin of the ventral than that of the anal.
- Caudal fin is forked.
- Lateral line is concave
- Body is greenish yellow in the upper half and is shot with black dots. Lower half of the body is silvery white. The tips of the fins are brownish black or deep yellow.
Remarks : It attains a maximum length of 14 cm. It is an efficient larvicidal fish and consumed as food by the poor classes of people.
Importance : Fisheries : minor commercial; aquarium : commercial.